Friday, June 30, 2006

Making exercise doable--My journey

Six months ago I was a middle aged couch potatoe. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't lying around eating bon bons all day, but I couldn't be confused with an active person. It was always my intention to get fit, but never my reality. There were always plenty of excuses to make for this predicament. Work, the children, housework, the bad weather, even the pets got their share of the blame. My weight began to creep up to a number I had never been before and my doctor began to talk of high blood pressure medication if something didn't change. Have you ever been in a place like that? Choices have to be made in times like those and really not making a change is a choice. It was in the middle of winter and so cold that I hardly wanted to run out to the car, but I had made the effort to get out of the house. My husband loves to shop at Sam's Club and I love the book department so that is a good combination. My prayer had been to find something doable for me. I found a book called Walk Away the Pounds which included a dvd called the miracle mile. My excuses where striped away as well as the fear of failure as I read the pages and turned on the dvd player. I'd love to share my journey with you and explore the wonderful world of walking. The program was my inspiration. You may be inspired by something else. The main thing is to realize that it is doable for you. Once you get a taste of success you'll find yourself being more active in all areas of life. Hope to see you on the blog.

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