Saturday, July 01, 2006

Making the first step

Commitment. The first of the month is always commitment day on the walk support board I go to on the ivillage network for women. It is the time when we choose a goal for the amount of miles we will walk for the month. I joined the support board a few months ago and have really enjoyed the encouragement and the accountability. Along with outdoor walking I use Leslie Sansone's walk dvd's.
Have you made a commitment or a goal for exercise before and had that promise to yourself fall by the wayside? Has that discouraged you from trying again?
Here a few tips to get you started.
1. Don‘t underestimate small beginnings. Maybe a friend of yours is walking 100 miles a month and you want to match that goal. Well, honey success can start in small steps towards a good goal. I'm up to 50 miles a month now, but when I first started I did a mile a day and that 6 mile a week goal was a huge step for me. Truth is you have to start somewhere that Is doable for you. Perhaps your goal might be as simple as a 20 minutes walk five days a week.
2. Inspiration through reading. Leslie Sansone's book Walk Away the Pounds contains the miracle mile dvd and is reasonably priced . Pick up a copy of it or a similar product. Tell you what when I first did the miracle walk it was a challenge for me, but it was doable.I wondered how she did it with seemingly little effort. Now a mile seems like a little stroll to me. Learning about different ways to go about your walk routine will help you be flexible.
3. Inspiration through accountability. I love to post on the ivillage Walk Away the Pounds support board and the ladies quickly become wonderful cyber friends. You may also have a friend right in your home town who can join with you and help keep you on track. I know it is weird but even the ladies on the dvd's become familar inspiration. Even my family has started to help and encourage me. (more on that in another post) Something as simple as a walk chart or journal helps. We can set up a week accountability thread here on the blog if anyone is interested.
4. Inspiration through doing. Everytime you get up and meet your goal for the day you strengthen your inspiration for the next work out. Yes sometimes you want to just forget it, but keeping a schedule helps.

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